Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The 5 Requirements For A Great Cup Of Coffee

1 - Freshness Start with fresh roasted coffee. Consumption closest to the roast date produces better flavor and aroma. Therefore only buy what you will drink within two weeks.

2 - Water Use fresh water. Bottled or distilled water is always best.

3 - Grind Use the correct grind. Too fine a grind will over-extract the coffee flavor thus making it bitter. Too coarse a grind no flavor.

4 - Proportion Use the correct proportion. The industry standard is two rounded tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces of water. Everyone should start from this point, then make adjustments to your taste or the tastes of your fellow drinkers.

5 - Equipment Use clean brewing equipment. Clean out your brewer once a month with a mix of vinegar and water. This will help clean out the accumulated oils that coat your equipment. Expired coffee taste is the taste that these oils leave.

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